James Patterson must be pissed. He's no longed the best earning author on the whole world. Mummy porn diva, E.L. James, took over the first spot with $95 million. Touché.


Top 16 of 
The Top-Earning

Authors Of 2013 

looks like this

(ranked between June 2012 and June 2013):


1. E.L. James ($95 million)

2. James Patterson ($91 million)

3. Suzanne Collins ($55 million)

4. Bill O'Reilly ($28 million)

5. Danielle Steel ($26 million)

6. Jeff Kinney ($24 million)

7. Janet Evanovich ($24 million)

8. Nora Roberts ($23 million)

9. Dan Brown ($22 million)

10.Stephen King ($20 million)

11. Dean Koontz ($20 million)

12. John Grisham ($18 million)

13. David Baldacci ($15 million)

14. Rick Riordan ($14 million)

15. J.K. Rowling ($13 million)

16. George R.R. Martin ($12 million)


Does the wallet represent affection of fans and appreciation of readers? I think not. Or at leas not always. 

Reblogged from Angels With Attitude Book Reviews
Source: http://www.forbes.com/pictures/eeji45eiffk/e-l-james-95-million